


import java.io.IOException;

import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
import javax.wireless.messaging.MessageConnection;
import javax.wireless.messaging.TextMessage;

* <P>
* A standalone thread, which is used to send SMS to Ehoo SMS gateway. According
* to JSR 120, the address should be in the form of "sms://" + address_id.
* </P>
* <P>
* SMSSender provides the ability of sending text message to a destination
* address. User should get an instance of SMSSender via factory-method:
* SMSSender.getSMSSender().
* </P>
* <P>
* Once get the singleton instance, the user should set the destination address
* and payload text for this connection. After that, the main thread could be
* start() :)
* </P>
* @author Tommy Wang (V1), Jedi Chen (V2)
public class SMSSender {

/** the string stores the text message that will be sent. */
private String m_szMessageTxt;

* boolean variable indicates whether the SMS has been sent successfully.
* initialized as false when get the singleton instance.
private static boolean m_fDoSuccessfully;

* boolean variable indicates whether error occured while sending SMS.
* initialized as false when get the singleton instance.

/** the destination address for current SMS sender. */
private String m_szAddress;// 发送的地址

* the byte flag for error type, currently NOT used. If it's necessary to
* get the information about error type, we could use it. When exception is
* caught during sending process, we could determine the error type, and set
* corresponding bit flag. [JC]
// private byte m_bErrorType;
* the singleton instance of SMSSender, since one instance is enough for one
* MIDlet, we apply the Singleton pattern for this class.
private static SMSSender m_spSingleton;

* the Factory method to get the singleton instance.
public static SMSSender getSMSSender() {
if (m_spSingleton == null) {
m_spSingleton = new SMSSender();
} else {
return m_spSingleton;

* The private constructor for SMSSender, only could be called by
* getSMSSender.
* call resetSenderStatus() to reset the members.
private SMSSender() {

public synchronized void setMessageText(String address, String s) {
// assert(address != null && !address.equals(""));
m_szAddress = "sms://" + address;
if (s == null || s.equals(""))
s = "[WARN] Error formatted message!";
m_szMessageTxt = s;
m_fDoSuccessfully = false;
System.out.println("[SMS] " + s);


* Send the message in a standalone thread.
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public boolean send() {
MessageConnection smsconn = null;
try {
// System.out.println("54321");
smsconn = (MessageConnection) Connector.open(m_szAddress);
// System.out.println("12345");
TextMessage txtmsg = (TextMessage) smsconn

m_fDoSuccessfully = true;
System.out.println("[SMS] SMS sent successfully :)");
} catch (IOException ex) {

m_fDoSuccessfully = false;
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException ep) {
m_fDoSuccessfully = false;
} catch (SecurityException es) {
m_fDoSuccessfully = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
m_fDoSuccessfully = false;

} finally {
if (smsconn != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioex) {
.println("[SMS] Close SMS connection error caught!");

return m_fDoSuccessfully;

* Once the caller get the sender status, it must call this method to reset
* both status.
private void resetSenderStatus() {
m_fDoSuccessfully = false;
m_szAddress = null;
m_szMessageTxt = null;

* @return Returns the doSuccessfully.
public static synchronized boolean isDoSuccessfully() {
return m_fDoSuccessfully;



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